Friday, October 1, 2010

Hello My Love

Hi Goosey,

     I'm starting this blog just for you. I'm going to try to keep it updated and add pictures and funny stories about you (so I can blackmail you with them later). You know I have pictures of you everywhere and I love to tell people all the silly things you do, now I can put it all together and hopefully remember more of the great things that we do together. I wish I had started this sooner, but we will have to be content with the thousands of pictures and your baby book for all the time before this.

     I can't believe you are almost 4 years old! Where did all the time go? As I type this you are watching Chuggington and munching on your cup of blueberries. You love eating fruit, especially bananas, strawberries, and blueberries. Every time we go to the grocery store you remind me to buy bananas. We made lots of fruit and yogurt popsicles this summer. You are hungry, hungry hippo these days too. I think you may be going through a growing spurt, your Daddy and I can't seem to keep enough food coming to you. I am very happy that you enjoy healthy foods, though. We still have pizza, burgers, and chicken nuggets, but your favorites seem to be a little better for you: fruit, carrots, baked chicken and boiled eggs. This week your most requested food has been grilled cheese sandwiches.

     Being an only child has made it a little more challenging for you to learn to share. When you were going to school you had friends and had to share with them there, but now that you are staying home with me there aren't so many people to practice with. Katie has been staying with us a few days a week lately and you've had to share a little more than you'd like. I'm sorry, I know it's hard to understand now but we will keep working on it. The upside to being Mommy's only is that we have lots of time to work on other stuff together, just the two of us. We have been learning letters for the last week or so. You are doing so great with recognizing letters, finding words that start with specific letters, and even starting to trace and practice writing. I even found some worksheets with your name on them so you can trace your name till you can write it out all by yourself. You have lots of numbers down already, you can count to about 15 and you can recognize up to the number 8. We are making a book of shapes and starting our Halloween activities. I'll try to post some pics of your amazing crafts and "homework" as you call it. You also love taking pictures so I'll be able to show off your photography skills too!

     Three has been a rough age for all of us. Your sweet, laid back toddlerhood has given way to a super dramatic, tantrum prone preschooler. It's very hard for you to not get the things you want exactly when you want them. I try my hardest to be patient, I know you will grow older and I will wish you could still be my little goose. I am glad that the majority of the potty thing has been settled out. You were doing so well and then all of a sudden you started having potty issues. Daddy and I tried all kinds of things to get you back on track, but in the end we just had to give up. Once we decided that we would just let things be, you got back on track. And, if it means that I don't have to clean up accidents, I'll give you stickers every time you go potty until you turn 18! When you turned 3 it seemed as if your personality changed overnight, I wonder if that will happen with 4. I wonder all the time what you will be like as you grow. I wonder how our relationship will change and evolve as you get older. I can't wait to find out and I don't want to find's strange to be a parent.

I love you Isabella!

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