Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Little Runner

Hello My Love, 

Our Cake
We've had a very busy week this last week. You have been the best little helper ever, by the way. We made a big cake and lots of candy lollipops for one of my friend's baby shower and we went to Austin for Mommy to run her first 5K race. We got to see Aunt Kelly and you got to play with Jules at the baby shower too. It's hard to see you growing up into a little adult, I still see you as a baby but I know you aren't anymore. You have your own opinion about everything! And, you aren't afraid to tell people what you think either. I hope your behavior lately is an indication that the Tyrannical Threes are over...what do you say? You've been so polite and haven't been having nearly as many meltdowns, it has been wonderful! 

Running Buddies-Our 1st Run
Guess what?!? You seem to like running with me. Last Monday I asked if you wanted to go for a walk and off we went. While we were strolling down the street you started to run so I ran with you. The next thing I knew, we had gone about 1/4 mile down the road. I don't want to push you or force you to run so I let you take the lead when we go: you say run, we run...say stop, we stop. We have gone out a couple of times, for about a mile each time. As a matter of fact, we may go out a little later this evening. You are sooo cute running down the sidewalk cheering for me on or yelling, "I'm going to beat you!" One evening while we were eating dinner with Daddy you told him, "I'm going to be a runner like Mommy when I grow up!" It was the best compliment I have ever gotten. You see, I want to be a great example for you and I know that eating right and exercising are very important. The other thing is that I don't want you to have to go through the same battles with your weight and self confidence so it means a lot that you want to emulate my healthy habits. It's great motivation for me to get out of the house and work out, so you can see that I make time for it no matter what. You are the best little cheerleader too. You were at the finish line at my race and hearing you yell "Go Mommy! Go Mommy!" was the best push to get me to the finish line.You were a little sad that you couldn't run the race with me. There were some kids in the race, so maybe next year we can do it together, what do you think? 
2010 LIVESTRONG Challenge-Austin

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